Apply to Multiple Jobs

Apply to Multiple Jobs

An all too common mistake during job searches is to focus on one job application at a time. Job applicants trawl through postings, pick the one that stands out the most, and pour their heart and soul into the application. If they are rejected, they go back to the beginning and start again. Or they…

Create and Maintain Optionality

Create and Maintain Optionality

An employee should strive to create and maintain optionality at all times. To have options is to have power, security, and confidence. Having options grants you more control over your own destiny. It provides a secure environment, much like an airliner is more robust with two engines than one. And the knowledge that you have…

Your First Job Will Suck

Your First Job Will Suck

I’m going to tell you something today that isn’t frequently expressed during commencement speeches: your first job is going to suck. A lot of new grads receive their sheepskin and enter the workforce bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. They will do exciting work from the very first day. Senior management will value their input on strategic direction.…